I hope you are looking forward to a great festive season and I ask that you be safe and make good decisions to propel you very well into 2015.
Ok, we are now in the second half of this great series and looking towards the end of it. I hope it has been of help to you as it has to me. Now let's continue...
In the last TPOP post, we were brought to understand the importance of getting to know The Holy Spirit ourselves. As we continue the pursuit for purpose, it is critical to get to know Him since He is the Advocate for it.
So, how do we get to know The Holy Spirit? Well, how do you get to know anyone really?
A couple of things need to be in place. Let's consider the story of Stanza and Lara. Stanza is Sesotho speaking and Lara is French.
He happens to see her standing at a filling station (waiting for her English speaking translator who is in the shop) He approaches her and she is willing to engage in conversation. He opens it with a, "Hauw, Ausi ya motle, le kae fela le tsatsing lena?"
Lara looks at him with confusion written all over her face and posture. She raises her shoulders in response to hi greeting and he himself doesnt understand what's going on. He tries again, "Ausi dumela hle..." She is lost and replies, "Bonjour..." He doesn't understand and he simply waves and moves away.
The obvious problem here is a language barrier. The first hurdle to get over is knowing The Language of The Holy Spirit Who speaks The Word. The Language He speaks is The Word of God in every language we know.
Stanza would have to go and study French in order to communicate with Lara or Lara needs to go and learn Sesotho to do the inverse. The reason many seem to think they can't hear God speaking is because they don't know His language, and even though He may be speaking, we may think it's just our minds etc.
His Word is His Language. When in any situation where you may want to hate someone for example, The Holy Ghost may bring up in your mind and spirit the scriptures that speak of loving your fellow man because you read them and therefore He can use them to speak to you.
Here it is...
The first thing we need to know is The Language of The Holy Spirit, and we do this by reading and studying His Word - The Holy Bible. When we read it and meditate on it like God told Joshua to do in Joshua 1:8.
On the next post...
The Second Thing We Need To Get To Know The Holy Spirit
Stay Tuned...
The Messenger