Monday, 13 April 2015

Built To Build 9

Hola! Heitha!

Greetings to you in The Mighty Name of The Master!

A new journey has begun on my side and I have seen God open a door for me through His Mercy and Grace that I couldn't myself! I serve a God that knows no bounds!

As I continue to settle in to the new walk that has begun, it has been a while since I have put up a post. My humblest apologies.

Let's continue then shall we?

Remember that thus far we are still dealing with the series of What God Is Building In Us, in order for us to Build His Kingdom.

We have been through Faith, Confession and Perspective (or view). We are now busy with Relentless Decision and in the last post, we met my friend Oswald, whose frustration has to do with business. So now let me allow you to be a fly on the wall during the conclusion of our

Gabriel, "You sound pretty upset my authi...and I'm sorry about that...let me tell you this... There is a difference between knowing God's Will, allowing Him to lead you in doing it, and Doing God's Will Your Way."
Oswald, "What?!"
Gabriel, "Look it's like starting a new job at a new company, for example, Pick n Pay. When you get there after having gone through the interview and all that, and you are now under training. Your supervisor, who we will call Teboho, starts teaching you about the elements of your job description and the duties that you have there...right?"
Oswald, "Yeah...."
Gabriel, "Yeah, and one of the things they teach you is how to do what we call, 'ordering of stock'. They tell you how to read the system and make sure that in order for the customers to always find stock available on the shop floor, which numbers you need to look at."
Oswald, "That's simple enough..."
Gabriel, "Right. Now you get the hang of things as January, February and March come and go and you go ahead and sit in front of the computer in April and Teboho happens to be in the office and shouts, 'Stop!'. So you wonder what the heck is wrong with him because you were busy doing what he taught you to do... He explains that a this time of year, we don't order as much stock of a specific item as we would have earlier and redirects you to stock you didn't even pay attention to before. He teaches you that the seasons determine the amount of stock they order and how long they should last etc. This he never taught you when you started, but left it until now because it would be more relevant for you to know it now..."
Oswald, "I think you are starting to mess with me now. You're doing that thing again of being all philosophical akere?"
Gabriel, "Hai morena, I'm trying to explain hore o ska kwata so. As much as God has given you favor in certain things, much like Pick n Pay giving you access to be able to make orders, there are certain things that you won't know until the season has come or it will be irrelevant."
Oswald, "So you are trying to tell me that I have the ability to start things, that He told me He has favored me on, but I'm now missing the time?"
Gabriel, "Not just the time my friend, but also the way to do it. This is because you would have to now learn to look at stock that you never really noticed before and in your case, it may be a Fruit of The Spirit that you haven't yet become strong on in order to survive the success that will come when that ink finally does hit that paper. So instead of fighting God about what He already promised you, rather stop and ask what you need to learn now and let Him move you one step after another to fulfillment. He promised it, so it will come to pass...His way and at His time. You need to choose to stick with His Plan and never lose hope."

Let's Be Relentless in what Jehovah has promised us, may we never lose hope in the destiny that He has designed for us. It's critical for us to walk with God on this journey because He doesn't just show us the way and let us just run with it...we will fall dismally. We have an enemy remember? We must remain sensitive to His Voice and do that Relentlessly.

Coming next...
We Meet An Aquaintance Of Mine Named Rose
Don't Miss It!

The Messenger
Stay Blessed, Be Multiplied

#OnTheTrain - Progressive Analysis - Part 5

Ndi Madekwana! I bless The Lord for you and I am so thankful that you are still here, by His Grace. 😃 Alright, we are busy with sorting...