Ndi Madekwana!
I bless The Lord for you and I am so thankful that you are still here, by His Grace. 😃

He spoke of feeling like he can't get out of his situation, due to the responsibility of his wife and children. For this reason, he can't seem to get ahead or have money at the beginning of every year. Something that seems to be a constant state of affairs.
I asked him what would happen if he were to lose his job. He was downcast when he answered me, and looked pretty defeated.
I think many people feel the same way, and we need to deal with this, if we are to successfully navigate the waters of life today.
While it is great that you have a job, which can help you to sustain your current lifestyle, most times we find ourselves oblivious to the possibility of losing that job, anytime. Most people don't think beyond this ever-present danger, and would be devastated should it happen. |
A big part of Progressive Analysis is continuous self-evaluation, as well as planning beyond your current means of income. We NEED to be intentional about growth in our personal lives, mindset, and perspective.
What are you doing to mitigate the possibility of losing whatever income you are generating currently? Should you need to leave the work you are doing now, do you have an alternative to sustain you? This question should always be there because it will keep you thinking and evolving.
The matter of continuous growth is also a Biblical Principle, as Jehovah wants us to increase in all aspects.
2 Corinthians 9 v 10 and 11 dictates, "Now may He Who supplies seed to the sower, and bread for food, supply and multiply the seed you have sown and increase the fruits of your righteousness."
God is all about you starting somewhere and increasingly becoming more functional as a person, for then you will be able to help others.
Progressive Analysis is a tool that is necessary for your growth as a person, which will, in turn, change the trajectory of anything else you do; be it a business, studies, ministry, or any other project that you intend on taking on.
All of this has to be done by YOU, yes YOU. No one can do this for you. It has to be a determination to change your life and make it better, by force!👏
Not just for yourself, but for those who need you now, and will need you in the future!
Coming Up...
#Mannah Message - Settle Accounts With Jehovah
Stick Around!
Settle Accounts With Jehovah
The Messenger