Tuesday, 19 May 2020

#OnTheTrain - Progressive Analysis - Part 5

Ndi Madekwana!

I bless The Lord for you and I am so thankful that you are still here, by His Grace. 😃

Alright, we are busy with sorting out an issue that Jonas has, and some of us may be facing today.

He spoke of feeling like he can't get out of his situation, due to the responsibility of his wife and children. For this reason, he can't seem to get ahead or have money at the beginning of every year. Something that seems to be a constant state of affairs.

I asked him what would happen if he were to lose his job. He was downcast when he answered me, and looked pretty defeated.

I think many people feel the same way, and we need to deal with this, if we are to successfully navigate the waters of life today.

While it is great that you have a job, which can help you to sustain your current lifestyle, most times we find ourselves oblivious to the possibility of losing that job, anytime. Most people don't think beyond this ever-present danger, and would be devastated should it happen. |

A big part of Progressive Analysis is continuous self-evaluation, as well as planning beyond your current means of income. We NEED to be intentional about growth in our personal lives, mindset, and perspective.

What are you doing to mitigate the possibility of losing whatever income you are generating currently? Should you need to leave the work you are doing now, do you have an alternative to sustain you? This question should always be there because it will keep you thinking and evolving.

The matter of continuous growth is also a Biblical Principle, as Jehovah wants us to increase in all aspects.

2 Corinthians 9 v 10 and 11 dictates, "Now may He Who supplies seed to the sower, and bread for food, supply and multiply the seed you have sown and increase the fruits of your righteousness."

God is all about you starting somewhere and increasingly becoming more functional as a person, for then you will be able to help others.

Progressive Analysis is a tool that is necessary for your growth as a person, which will, in turn, change the trajectory of anything else you do; be it a business, studies, ministry, or any other project that you intend on taking on.

All of this has to be done by YOU, yes YOU. No one can do this for you. It has to be a determination to change your life and make it better, by force!👏

Not just for yourself, but for those who need you now, and will need you in the future!

Coming Up...
#Mannah Message - Settle Accounts With Jehovah
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Settle Accounts With Jehovah
The Messenger

Tuesday, 7 April 2020

#OnTheTrain - Progressive Analysis - Part 4

Salaan Qofkasta!

I pray that your year is pushing along well.

Let's keep moving.

On our last post, I told you about the importance of being personal as well, about 'Progressive Analysis'.

Now, let's talk to Jonas about the question that I asked him.

Gabriel, "Ekse, Jonas, why does it seem like every year in January, you don't have money?"

Jonas, "Wa tseba ke eng, Ntate, my responsibilities make it hard for me to change that situation. Ke na le bana ba hlokang di ntho tse ngata, le mosadi ka mona. My family is the reason why I am always broke in January"

Gabriel, "Ema pele Ntate. So why don't you put aside, even 5 percent of your salary aside every month, and see how that will help you grow a habit of saving money?"

Jonas, "The problem is, many things come up during the month that need money, and if it's there, I need to use it. So this makes saving a big problem. Emergencies are emergencies."

Gabriel, "Ok, but then, ho tlo etsahala eng ha o ka lahlehelwa ke mosebetsi ona? What is your back-up plan should you lose the job?"

Jonas, "Eish, Ntate, ha ke tsebe."

Gabriel, "Then, you need to do something else on the side, if you are to ever survive a job loss. Start a business, that someone else can help you with, and begin to generate another income, and try and learn how to save money, or invest money from that. Otherwise, should the grey cloud come over your job one day, I fear for your wife and children."

Jonas, "Kea utlwa Ntate. I will see how I can start that business."

Are you anything like my colleague? Do you feel trapped by your circumstance, and feel like it will never change? Let's talk more on the next post.

Coming Up...
#OnTheTrain - Progressive Analysis - Part 5
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Settle Accounts With Jehovah
The Messenger

Saturday, 21 March 2020

#OnTheTrain - Progressive Analysis - Part 3

Ciao Tutti!

What a blessed day it is, and may you be progressing in the right direction, every day.

Ok, andiamo!

In our previous post, we spoke about Tshepiso, who realized how important progressive analysis is for her business. 

However, we also saw that she was also in need of personal progressive analysis, because this is even more important, if her business is to make any headway.

After seeing that her money wasn't growing, and her business wasn't trackable, she also picked up that she was also not monitoring her own spending of the money from her business.

For her, as long as she had money for the material needed for the next job, she was ok. And she also has a brother who helps her with some parts of the job, whom she pays. With no record of the income and expenditure, nothing can be checked regarding this as well.

I then helped her to analyze herself, and she saw that she was using the money for food, airtime, snacks and other things that she needs in the house. She didn't give herself a salary, which should go to a different bank account, where all those things can come out of. This meant that as long as she didn't finish the money, it was ok to buy this and that, which had little to nothing, to do with the business.

She started to change this, and things are beginning to look up for her. Now, that is on a smaller scale business, however, this is true about any business. Not just businesses, but also our own lives. If we don't periodically check ourselves against our plans and goals, and the time frame(s) that we have set for ourselves, we will fail to grow.

So think about yourself. What is it that you keep doing that seems like a survival exercise to you?

Well, I asked Jonas, a colleague, this same question, and he had a lot to say.

Coming Up...
#OnTheTrain - Progressive Analysis - Part 4
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Settle Accounts With Jehovah
The Messenger

Monday, 10 February 2020

#OnTheTrain - Progressive Analysis - Part 2

Bonjour Tout le monde!

A great day to be alive! I hope you are well.

Let's Go!

In our last post, we spoke about the need for 'Progressive Analysis' and why. As promised, let's get going with my friend, Tshepiso.

Tshepiso is a clothing designer and a pretty good one at that. She has been doing this business for about a year and half now. I had a chat with her some time ago and asked her some questions about her business.

She has a job, and the business is done on the side. So I wanted to know about how she tracks her finances, and how her marketing processes are, for the growth of her brand. 

By the time we were done talking, she realized that she hasn't put in measures that would help her see whether her business is actually growing or not, and at what rate.
Bookkeeping was not done, and money was spent on a lot of things, which aren't recorded anywhere.

This made checking her progress, difficult to impossible. There are a number of questions she couldn't answer, for these reasons. And so we put together some trackable ways to see where her business is going.

She began to realize that she was spending money on unnecessary things, which dealt a big blow to her bottom line, and this opened her eyes to what she needed to do more, in her progressive analysis of the business.

However, this didn't only reveal matters pertaining to her work, but also herself. The exercise made her see that some of her own personal habits, were contributing to the slow growth of this brand of hers. 

So, in the next post, we will take a closer look at the business owner, and check where the problem might be.

Coming Up...
#OnTheTrain - Progressive Analysis - Part 3
Stick Around!

Settle Accounts With Jehovah
The Messenger

Tuesday, 28 January 2020

#OnTheTrain - Progressive Analysis

Great Salutations, Friend!

Welcome Back. Let's Go!

We are still rocking the series, 'From Start To Finish', discovering, or re-discovering, the means that we can use, to get things done. Most people struggle with this, which feeds into our lack of joy, which would come from manifesting our ideas, ambitions, and desires.

Based on the 8 part teaching on developing our vision, we have now written down our plans, developed a way that we are going to get it done, thrown the net of time ahead, and have gotten ourselves someone, or people to be accountable to.

Ok, now we are at the implementation phase. The first step is to actually START!

Now, room has to be made for us to realize that we may need to amend some things in our vision or plan, along the way. Why?

The answer is found on the track.

There are some things that you will only experience when you on the field, running. Remember that when things are theoretical and also in the practice mode, they can prepare you for the real thing. But then again, when the real thing hits, you pick up other things that you may have not been able to, during preparation. 

Therein comes, 'Progressive Analysis'. So, what I'm trying to get through here, is that we should not be upset, or give up, just because what we thought would work, doesn't at all, or not as well as we had hoped. That is no indication that you have failed, or that you are a failure.

It just means that analysis needs to be done, and better ways must come in to play.

I will give you an example of a friend of mine, by the name of Tshepiso, who saw the benefit of this, on our next post.

                                                              Coming Up...
                              #OnTheTrain - Progressive Analysis - Part 2
                                                              Stick Around!

Settle Accounts With Jehovah
The Messenger

Tuesday, 14 January 2020

#OnTheTrain - Vision Development Part 9

Habari Kila Mtu! 

2020 is here and I hope that you've started it with a bang!

Things are already busy on my side, as I refuse to attain the same results as the years before.

Alright, from the last post, we wanted to discuss something that could be contributing to your lack of success. I call it the 'Kennafela Syndrome'.

This simply means that you are accountable, only to yourself. As people, we have a natural ability to come up with some of the best excuses in the world. We, therefore, have the power to give ourselves permission, not to do something, with reasons that make sense to 'both' of you. 

So we can negotiate ourselves out of anything, especially taking action on a particular task, and this may be adding to your own frustrations in the long run. That is why, at some point, you will ask yourself, "But why didn't I just do that thing, like four months ago?" The simple answer is that you only had yourself to be accountable to, and that 'self' of yours, didn't see the value or importance thereof.

For this reason, I then picked out a few people, who know me, and have the power to tell me, if I'm going off track. These people don't bother too much with my feelings, they care about making sure that what I said, I do, in the time that I set for myself. 

I am accountable to them, as they are to me, about some things that they also want to accomplish. It's much harder giving someone else, excuses about why you didn't get something done. This then means that I  have to do these things so that I can report to them, and they can encourage me to do more. Once I let them know of a completed activity, they generally ask, 'So, what's next?'

Another attribute to these people is that I actually listen to them. There is no point in being accountable to someone, if you won't listen to what they are saying, and DO IT! 

Get rid of 'Kennfela Syndrome', and find someone, or some people, to be accountable to. Tell them what your plans are, the time frame you have given yourself, and the frequency at which you will report on your progress.

That will help you in the long run, and you will be very glad you did!

Coming Up...
#OnTheTrain - Progressive Analysis
Stick Around!

Settle Accounts With Jehovah
The Messenger

#OnTheTrain - Progressive Analysis - Part 5

Ndi Madekwana! I bless The Lord for you and I am so thankful that you are still here, by His Grace. 😃 Alright, we are busy with sorting...