Salaan Qofkasta!
I pray that your year is pushing along well.
Let's keep moving.On our last post, I told you about the importance of being personal as well, about 'Progressive Analysis'.
Now, let's talk to Jonas about the question that I asked him.
Gabriel, "Ekse, Jonas, why does it seem like every year in January, you don't have money?"
Jonas, "Wa tseba ke eng, Ntate, my responsibilities make it hard for me to change that situation. Ke na le bana ba hlokang di ntho tse ngata, le mosadi ka mona. My family is the reason why I am always broke in January"
Gabriel, "Ema pele Ntate. So why don't you put aside, even 5 percent of your salary aside every month, and see how that will help you grow a habit of saving money?"
Jonas, "The problem is, many things come up during the month that need money, and if it's there, I need to use it. So this makes saving a big problem. Emergencies are emergencies."
Gabriel, "Ok, but then, ho tlo etsahala eng ha o ka lahlehelwa ke mosebetsi ona? What is your back-up plan should you lose the job?"
Jonas, "Eish, Ntate, ha ke tsebe."
Gabriel, "Then, you need to do something else on the side, if you are to ever survive a job loss. Start a business, that someone else can help you with, and begin to generate another income, and try and learn how to save money, or invest money from that. Otherwise, should the grey cloud come over your job one day, I fear for your wife and children."
Jonas, "Kea utlwa Ntate. I will see how I can start that business."
Are you anything like my colleague? Do you feel trapped by your circumstance, and feel like it will never change? Let's talk more on the next post.
Coming Up...
#OnTheTrain - Progressive Analysis - Part 5
Stick Around!
Settle Accounts With Jehovah
The Messenger