Saturday, 11 November 2017

Start To Finish - #IdeasStation 3


Oh yes, greetings from Sunnypark, East of the Tshwane CBD. It's a lovely day this side and I'm so thankful to still be breathing! Glory Be To God!

I hope you are great on your side of the world and I'm going to immediately get stuck in to the matter at hand, "From Direction To Action"

As per our last post, we've been talking about Your Role at #IdeasStation where you run the 'Direction Department' there.

We discussed the fact that most of the thoughts that bustle around there are actually ideas and the importance of writing these down and scheduling a time to attend to them.

It's critical that I advertise this disclaimer to you 'real quick':

'The decision to record and schedule ideas in order to bring them to fruition, is A DAILY ACTIVITY'. This is not something you do once a month and it's all good. Just like waking up and having breakfast is a daily decision, it's no different with thoughts and ideas.'

With that out of the way, let's continue with what to do next.
Once you have written down your thoughts-turned-ideas, and have scheduled a day and time to deal with them, then you need a vital component in this mix. It is called, 'COMMITMENT'

A quick google search reveals that the definition thereof is, 'the state or quality of being dedicated to a cause, activity, etc'

For those that have written down a lot of ideas before and just ended up forgetting about them will understand the importance of this quality. Just as you are committed to charging your phone whenever it loses enough battery life, or to ironing the clothes you need to wear tomorrow, commitment to those scheduled ideas is pivotal!!!

If you are ever going to get them done and truly change your life, you MUST commit! That is a decision that you must make everyday! Without it, you might as well stop reading right here. The way that you value yourself will inform the value that you give to these ideas and getting them done.

What do you think? Join the conversation and let's talk about this.

Next Up...
#IdeasStation - From Direction To Action Continued
Don't Miss It!

Jehovah Rocks
Gabriel Mothobi

Tuesday, 7 November 2017

Start To Finish - #IdeaStation 2

Hela Hela Ngwana Mme! Kgotso Ya Jehovah E Be Le Wena!

I hope you are having a great day ladies and gentlemen. It's pretty hot here in the Capital City of South Africa and one needs to take care of the skin yeah...

Let's move on with the next part of our clarification of our role at the bustling #IdeasStation.

From our last post, we came to an understanding of our Role as the one giving direction to all these thoughts that come through our mind every single day. We discussed that many of these very same thoughts are actually ideas that could potentially launch us into the history books. Changing our current circumstance is ever so dependant on how we deal with our ideas. Once we pay more attention to them, we need to put them down on paper, right?

Now if you are wondering what happens when you put something down on paper, or record it or schedule when you are going to deal with it on your phone, that very same thought behaves like a client seeking attention at a bank.

You see, thoughts have a life of their own, individual organisms that need to be noted and attended to. Try this out...

Ever wonder why a particular thought keeps popping up in your head and it triggers other thoughts that you had forgotten about almost everyday or when you look at something specific etc?

If you are busy at that time and you don't jot it down, it can pop up again and again and almost become a nag. It can sometimes just let you be for a while until you hear someone's voice and it comes up in your mind again. What is happening is that it's acting like this because you haven't noted it down and acknowledged it.

For this reason, I have a small little A6 book that is mostly in my trousers back pocket and whenever a thought comes up that is something that I have to do, I take it out and put it on paper. It's amazing how that thought doesn't just keep popping up all the time because I have jotted it down and scheduled a time on my phone to attend to it.

Part 2 of your Role is not only to record your ideas somewhere, but also to set a time on your phone or calendar to get it done. For most people that can actually calm things down a bit in the station when everyone is directed somewhere and they know that they will be attended to at a particular time. 

What do you think about this? Join the conversation, leave a comment and let's talk about it.

Next Up...
#IdeasStation - From Direction To Action
Don't Miss It!

Jehovah Rocks
The Messenger

Monday, 6 November 2017

Start To Finish - #IdeasStation

Lumelang Kaofela!

I hope you are doing "moja" where you are!

Let's get right to it.

From our last post, we found ourselves in a very busy Train Station and we happened to be the busiest person there, right?

So let us deal with our roles in this crazy place. The reality of the matter is that our minds are just unbelievably busy, every single day, heck even when we are asleep. If we take the time to pay attention to our thoughts all day, we will be shocked how many there are.

Of these incredible amount of thoughts, have you ever wondered which are ideas?

Have you ever passed by a house and looked at the garden and thought, "They should have moved that ornament closer to the door and it would have looked fantastic."

Or perhaps walked into a restaurant and thought, "You know, I love the food in this place and the service, but their uniform is just so unappealing"

Throughout the day we are constantly generating ideas, both new and renewed, and we hardly take notice. Yeah, just out of the above two examples, there are at least two business ideas. Wanna guess what businesses these might be?

Your role in this busy station is to take notice, jot down, record etc so that the ideas that you can identify can be brought to book, so to speak. It's important that you write them down because that is the only way that you can take the next step.

Any thoughts on this from your side? Go ahead and comment.
Let's hear what you can add to this.

Next Up...
#IdeasStation - Understanding Your Role 2
Don't Miss It!

Jehovah Rocks!
The Messenger

Wednesday, 1 November 2017

Start To Finish - Introduction Continued

A Blessed Day To You My Beloved Family!

Hoping that you are doing awesome where you are, let’s take on the first Station in this Fantastic New Series From Start To Finish.

For those of you who use the train system to get to work and back home, you will understand this very well. In fact, any public commuter will relate to this.

Imagine, if you will, that you arrive at the station as everyone is heading off to work and there are no indications or directions showing which train goes where.
In this example, there is only one person designated to give everyone direction. Think about this. Everyone has to go to one person in the station who has to tell each of you which train to take. I can imagine there would be a lot of chaos!

One will want more urgent attention because they are getting late for work, while another is in more of a hurry for an interview and feels she is more entitled to that same attention and sooner or later, even the direction giver will start to panic and even shut down.

Well, we all see things differently but I have seen that many people that I have spoken to experience this on a daily basis in their minds. At the station of ideas, all kinds of thoughts seek your attention and one thought is always trying to draw your attention more than another.

One seems more urgent than the other even though it came after others and due to the incredible number of these thoughts looking to get direction from you, many times we come to a place of frustration and end up just shutting down. It’s a busy station and YOU are the designated person who has to give direction.

Can you relate to what I’m talking about? Do you have something to add to this? Join the conversation and let’s talk about this.

Next Up…
#IdeasStation – Understanding Your Role
Don’t Miss It

Jehovah Rocks!

The Messenger

#OnTheTrain - Progressive Analysis - Part 5

Ndi Madekwana! I bless The Lord for you and I am so thankful that you are still here, by His Grace. 😃 Alright, we are busy with sorting...