Lumelang Kaofela!
I hope you are doing "moja" where you are!
Let's get right to it.
From our last post, we found ourselves in a very busy Train Station and we happened to be the busiest person there, right?
So let us deal with our roles in this crazy place. The reality of the matter is that our minds are just unbelievably busy, every single day, heck even when we are asleep. If we take the time to pay attention to our thoughts all day, we will be shocked how many there are.
Of these incredible amount of thoughts, have you ever wondered which are ideas?
Have you ever passed by a house and looked at the garden and thought, "They should have moved that ornament closer to the door and it would have looked fantastic."
Or perhaps walked into a restaurant and thought, "You know, I love the food in this place and the service, but their uniform is just so unappealing"
Throughout the day we are constantly generating ideas, both new and renewed, and we hardly take notice. Yeah, just out of the above two examples, there are at least two business ideas. Wanna guess what businesses these might be?
Your role in this busy station is to take notice, jot down, record etc so that the ideas that you can identify can be brought to book, so to speak. It's important that you write them down because that is the only way that you can take the next step.
Any thoughts on this from your side? Go ahead and comment.
Let's hear what you can add to this.
Next Up...
#IdeasStation - Understanding Your Role 2
Don't Miss It!
Jehovah Rocks!
The Messenger
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