Thursday, 23 October 2014

The Pursuit Of Purpose 2

Submission (Rebellion's Strongest Adversary)

Hey Everyone. In TPOP 1 we have learnt that acknowledgement of the true authority of a place is a great start to surviving therein. And in the case of Mother Earth, it is The Great Elohim, El-Elyon.

  • Acknowledging His Lordship grants us a good understanding of His Power and Glorious Rule and illuminates an overwhelming need to submit ourselves to Him. 

At Discovery Health, I was taught that they have, set rules and principles that are written and can be referred to at any time both for remembrance and disciplinary action. You see, they made sure that from the very beginning I had full access to this information because should I be found in misconduct, they would refer to the very same information available to me.

And in the case of rebellion, they also had disciplinary measures to deal with such. Should rebellion continue, one would eventually be released from the occupation simply based on the fact that I refuse to obey the rules or submit myself to the authority of the written laws and their enforcement by my superiors.

What they also had available to me was a path for self-development and growth in the company should I choose to do the steps they have set out. All I had to do was submit myself to their process of training and I would gain more from the company with time...learning all that I can from those above me in rank, experience and knowledge.

Ladies and gentlemen, The World, its Creator and His Word are just that. He has created the world by His Word and Reigns through The Same. We seem to make the mistake of doing whatever we want in His 'company' and expect to get the reward from Him. He has Written rules and regulations in The Holy Bible, steps of self-development and growth therein, and His Ever-Loving Holy Spirit Who is there to teach us the deeper things of God.

  • Matthew 6:33 sets the tone on what we need to do in general when it comes to the things of God. More on that in the next post.

Here it is...
We must understand that the next step in finding His Purpose for our lives is to choose to continuously SUBMIT ourselves to the Authority that is Jehovah and His Eternal Word, knowing that there are consequences in rebelling against Him. That is all on us...

On the next post...
Submission - much easier said than done?
Stay Tuned...

The Messenger

Wednesday, 22 October 2014

The Pursuit Of Purpose 1


As far as I'm concerned, 'Pursuit' really speaks of seeking after something for a reason strong enough to push you until eventual acquisition. But no reasonable person goes on a wild goose chase because the reward, if any, isn't worth your effort.

  • To understand how we need to find God's Purpose for our lives, we need to start with the following acknowledgement.

I one day walked through the doors of Discovery Health seeking employment. By God's Grace I made to the interview stage, which I passed and sure enough...I began my training. You see, the company needed to train me on their culture, principles, mannerisms, protocols, style, codes and even speech. They needed to instil in me what they wanted out of me when I began my occupation.

It was my choice whether I was going to lay down what I had learnt from working at other companies and my own way of working, in order to be immersed in the 'way' of Discovery and do what I'm trained to do. The aim was to gain experience sure, but really the pay off came every pay day. I needed to deal with my monthly bills and doing what the company wanted me to do, in the way they wanted me to do it, afforded me this reward and ability.

I had a sense of belonging and felt good about that as well.

Quick New Flash: As much as Jehovah created this planet for us, its still His Property. We may have rights to manage it by virtue of our often misled wills, but its still His Patent on it. This is how it is sustained.

Here it is...
The first thing we ought to do is to realize that this is His 'Company' and if we seek to gain the True Reward from being here...we need to understand that He is God of the earth among everything else. He is El-Elyon, The Possessor of Heaven and Earth.

Once we acknowledge this and understand it...we can move on to the next step...

Bring your Bible next time as we explore The Pursuit Of Purpose 2

The Messenger

Tuesday, 21 October 2014

Purpose Train 2

Hey everybody.

In the first PT we saw quite a bit about the importance of one knowing that we are created by Jehovah and therefore should find our purpose within Him lest we give ourselves to the elements of life in this world.

These definitions were given...

  • One of the definitions of the word 'Train' is...
'a connected line of railroad cars with or without a locomotive'
  • And another for 'Purpose' is...
'the reason for which something is done or created or for which something exists.'

In this PT I want to refer a lot more to the 'Train' part. According to the above explanation, there is more than one railroad car that is connected with or without a locomotive. I want to liken this to the situations and experiences of our lives.

One of the things that makes life hard to motor through, is the overbearing weight of baggage that we pick up as we make mistakes and choices we would rather have not made...and as we attempt to make our way from one station to another in progression, we find it harder and 'feel heavier' due to our issues.

The longer a train is...the more experienced its driver should be in order to manoeuvre it on the railroad. A train is much faster when the same rail cars are empty...right?

Here it is...
Having rail cars behind you speaks of your experiences which remain in memory for the sake of reference and better judgement in future. Just DON'T allow these experiences to fill your rail cars with so much rubbish that you find it harder to move along. NO! Cast all your cares upon The Lord for He cares for you. So that even when you have rail cars...let them be empty of pain and struggle, so that you can still kick butt.

We Will Move Next To Answer The Question:
'So How Do You Find Out What He Made You For?'
Stay Tuned....

The Messenger

Monday, 20 October 2014

Purpose Train

The sun rises everyday and in a set time, sets. The comment, "Its too hot today..." in most cases refers to 'the sun being too hot' and shade is consequently sought after.

In Winter however, spots where the sun delivers its raise is what is now more desirable.

I find that throughout the seasons of the earth, everything from the cooling sensation of the summer breeze to the skin biting power of the same force in the coldest weather; the skin darkening and heated experience in Summer to the warming indulgence of the same force in Winter; speaks of one thing....Purpose.

Creation in The Word was given purpose, both in their individual capacities as well as collective. As the seasons change for us down here...the sun doesn't shine any less or any more than how it was designed to. The wind blows from one direction to the other and nothing we can do can stop wind from blowing on the face of the earth...the reason is...its purpose originates from Jehovah and not us.

This is why we can shelter ourselves from this sun, but not stop it from shining; cover ourselves with warm clothes to avoid cold chills from the wind when we walk outside...but we simply can't stop the wind from blowing...only the Purpose Giver - Elohim, can do that.

  • On of the definitions of the word 'Train' is...
'a connected line of railroad cars with or without a locomotive'
  • And another for 'Purpose' is...
'the reason for which something is done or created or for which something exists.'

If the sun were to now find a new master in a human being...we would ALL be in grave trouble...much if the wind did the same. Why? They were created by their Maker for a Specific Reason.

Here it is...
You are a trademark, patented by Jehovah for a Specific Reason. And allowing your very life to be in the hands of any other, including yourself, is a perilous endeavour. Why? You didn't create yourself and no one but God did...and it is ONLY when you engage in what He called you for, that you literally become Unstoppable.

So How Do You Find Out What He Made You For?
Stay Tuned....

The Messenger

#OnTheTrain - Progressive Analysis - Part 5

Ndi Madekwana! I bless The Lord for you and I am so thankful that you are still here, by His Grace. 😃 Alright, we are busy with sorting...