Saturday, 14 February 2015

To God Be The Glory 4

Hey Guys! I hope you are all very well on this lovely Saturday. Valentines day, I'm told is all about love between couples in most instances, so I hope you have someone special to enjoy it with.

Well, let's bring this TGBTG series to a close for now. Praising and Worshiping God can never end so rest assured, it will come back again some time in the future.

For this last episode, let's remember where we are from. The value that we place on something like Giving God The Glory rests on our understanding of His Work in our lives.

And if we see His Hand on us more often, we will thank Him more often and Worshiping Him breeds outstanding results. What am I talking about? Test it out with yourself. If you do something for someone and they take the time to thank you and appreciate you expressively...doesn't it encourage you to do more for them?

Of course it does. I would not want to help someone again if they are not grateful for one thing that I did for them. I'm not saying that I would shun another opportunity to assist if God told me to especially, I am saying that it would be far easier and I would be far more willing to do more for a person who can appreciate it.

God is God and He knows more than we ever could in terms of what we need and want. However, just like any one else, He wants to be appreciated, Praised and Worshiped. He inhabits the praises of His people and that is a clear indication of what He wants from us.

Many characters in the Bible understood this and gave burnt offerings to God; Praised Him in the congregations as we saw in previous posts; and my goodness, King David and others wrote an entire book full of Praises to God - The Book of Psalms.

Here it is...
Let's Praise Him as much as we can, doing from the heart rather than out of duty and we will find it a wonderful thing to live on earth. We will see God's Work more and more and there is no doubt that it will become such a habit, that we will never be the same again!

The Messenger
Stay Blessed, Be Multiplied

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Ndi Madekwana! I bless The Lord for you and I am so thankful that you are still here, by His Grace. 😃 Alright, we are busy with sorting...