Thursday, 26 March 2015

Built To Build 7

Hey There Reader! How Are You Doing?!!!!

The weather down here in Tshwane, South Africa is a little overcast and scattered showers here and there. It's a lovely day nonetheless and I hope you have woken up to another good day wherever you are.

I don't know about you, but this series has been awesome for me and its effect has been notable. A quick recap of the Building Blocks so far? Yep:

  • PERSPECTIVE (or View)

I hope you've also been following as we continue to Build. 

I bought a DVD some years ago and it was a Message by Bishop T.D. Jakes, titled - Relentless. He partners the great Bishop Noel Jones on it and that Message is simply timeless. He introduced the Message by speaking of a time when he was driven by a young gentleman in his early years of ministry and he asked Bishop Jakes a question that went along the lines of, "In one word, what does one need, to be to be successful in ministry?" 

The Man of God replied, "You need to be, Relentless"

A powerful Building Block that needs to be Built into us is one I would like to call Relentless Decision. If there is one decision that is attacked mercilessly in this world, it's the one to follow Jesus Christ and live according to his Word and His Spirit.

We need to be Relentless in our pursuit to stand strong in our decision to Know The Lord Our Builder. He is Building us to be unstoppable by any force that is against Him and this is not a two week training session...Oh no! It's continuous and if I wanting to stop or derail you in this regard...I would only have to sway your decision through my own opinion. Ain't that the truth?

We'll see as we will explore the stories of a few friends in the coming post to expand on this as we push on through this series.

We must be aware of how powerful our decision to be a child of God is and how much opposition we will get, designed to stop us from growing more and more in the Knowledge of The Master which is full of Authority for us here on earth and beyond. Yes I said it, here and beyond. Let's stand strong on this decision as it is Simply The Best Decision We Will EVER Make!

Coming next...
We Visit A Few Friends To Discuss This Relentless Decision Matter
Don't Miss It!

The Messenger
Stay Blessed, Be Multiplied

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#OnTheTrain - Progressive Analysis - Part 5

Ndi Madekwana! I bless The Lord for you and I am so thankful that you are still here, by His Grace. 😃 Alright, we are busy with sorting...